Logisitics Collective – The Podcast
Our approach with the podcast interviews, isn’t to catch people out. We seek to create a safe environment for people to share their experiences. The most interesting stories, we believe, show the best of people.
As we truly believe this, we always give editorial control and approval to those we interview. We believe the best of the industry should not be in the hands of hacks.
Malcolm Pope
Host & Founder of Logistics Collective

Following a brief stint as an Industrial Chemist, Malcolm determined that a career in supply chain and logistics was for him.
Starting in production planning of a large food production site, he progressed to control supply and demand planning for the same business. The next move was to the paper industry where he had a site supply chain leadership role.
Following 6 years in senior “hands on” operational management roles in the bulk chemical logistics industry, Malcolm gained a position of Customer Logistics Manager with Tibbet & Britten, with responsibility for managing the relationships with a division of Unilever and Colgate Palmolive.
The poacher turned gamekeeper in 2000 with Malcolm becoming UK and eventually European Logistics Contracts Manager for HJ Heinz – keynotes during this period were the developments of both novel e-sourcing solutions for logistics and collaborative logistics (leading more than a dozen European FMCG’s in their search for collaborative solutions), additionally, the needed changes to improve the professionalism and performance of Heinz’s LSP’s were introduced with a complete review of performance and relationship management.
Malcolm then joined RHM Plc as Head of Logistics Supplier Development, following the takeover by Premier Foods he established the role of Head of Category – Logistics within Procurement.
His final employed role was as Global Procurement Lead for Logistics for the Private Equity owned bathroom manufacturer, Ideal Standard International.
In 2018, Malcolm co-founded the technology led supply chain consultancy “LOGURU” and during the pandemic founded the “LOGISTICS COLLECTIVE” as a way of connecting logistics professionals during very trying times.
While LOGURU continues in its 5th year to prosper providing a broad range of advisory and consultancy services across the supply chain, the LOGISTICS COLLECTIVE is now targeted to collect the experience and wisdom working in one of the globes largest and most complex industries. All great business is about the conversations we have, it is the best way to spark ideas, innovations and start the best business working relationships. Let’s talk!